The Estuary

The Estuary

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Six months later

Summer 2016 ended and the garden provided a final bunch of gladioli.

I had an alcohol free September so enjoyed the Boscastle Beer festival on October 1st!
Bands played in the Rainbow Marquee. Nick on harmonica. Andy on bongo.

We visited Sophie in Switzerland and spent plenty of time in the stylish bar she and her friends opened in Lausanne.
Birthday celebrations.  'Now I'm 64!'

 I enjoy volunteering one day a week at Fremington Manor Residential Care Home.

We started tidying the rock garden in the Autumn.
Looks nice now the bulbs are beginning to flower.

 Great excitement as Harry and his boss Andy finish installing our woodburner.
Hold on Harry!

Storm Cowl on!

First lighting. Need to get it up to correct temperature.

We bought this stove over 20 years ago. We never used it but moved it between several houses and storage facilities.
I'm glad it is alight at last!

Plenty of wood thanks to Paul's lumberjack skills.

Christmas 2016

Return visit to Shropshire for Border Bridge Club Christmas party. A lovely weekend!

Back home and our own Christmas party.

Just waiting for the guests to arrive.

Christmas Eve and the stockings are up!

Christmas morning. Happy Christmas!
Sam's stocking.

I'm pleased with my knitting!

New Year's Day 2017.
Celebrated traditionally at the Cobweb in Boscastle (and start of another alcohol free month for me).

Cheers Sam!

 Cheers Harry!

I seem to be short of pictures of Joe and Soulla so here they are when they visited last year.
February Half Term and a visit from Joanne.
On top of the cliffs at Valley of the Rocks

A long walk down but we have the beach to ourselves.

My first visit to Clovelly

A pretty house decorated with shells and pebbles.

Fishing boats on the beach

Two tourists enjoying the sun!

Lobster pots waiting to go to sea.

Final photo of the beach!

Spring 2017...
I've started work in the garden.  Looking forward to the coming year in Devon and hoping for plenty of visitors.


  1. Yes it might be us in June. Loved to read yr latest and see yr photos.

    1. Definitely looking forward to your visit ☺☺☺

  2. Enjoyed reading this! Nice photos of my visit - and all the other pix. Harry needs to be careful on the roof

  3. Good pics! I like the christmassy Cobweb
