The Estuary

The Estuary

Monday, 16 November 2015

Walking Group news

Carolyn and Paul's walking group has continued to thrive in our new location.

We have several favourite local walks and have enjoyed sharing them with our visitors.

Joanne gave me some very useful books about walks and places to visit in this area so plenty of inspiration there.

I am going to mark all the walks we do on my maps including the rather special map that Belinda gave me for my birthday.

The map is centred on Fremington and has our names and van on the cover!

During his recent visit Sam visited, Isley Marsh, the local RSPB reserve just along the Tarka Trail from our house and saw a number of typical estuary birds, e.g. egret, curlew, spoonbill. He also heard the fairly unusual Cetti's warbler.

Drawing of a Curlew from RSPB website

On November 2nd Paul and I walked from Fremington to Instow and back. 7.9 miles and the weather was lovely. We spotted some of the birds Sam had told us about but I really need to improve my bird identification skills.

We had a good lunch at the Instow Arms (recommended in Joanne's book) and I attempted to fly an old kite on the beach (more about that in a future post).

On the way back we spotted this butterfly enjoying the winter sun. It is a Comma - Polygonia c-album

Whilst on the subject of butterflies...later at home I found this moth on the wall of my upstairs room.

Herald Moth

I discovered where he spent the night!

He seemed a bit tipsy and fell on his back,
but his legs were moving so I put him outside on Paul's Rhododendron viscosum.
He was very well camouflaged so should be o.k.  
Last week we became members of  Barnstaple U3A (University of the 3rd Age). We joined the walking group on a linear walk between Bideford and Appledore. Just over 3.5 miles and very enjoyable. We then had lunch at the Beaver Inn Appledore which was very good with fantastic views across the estuary.
We are looking forward to discovering more local walks and getting to know a few other walkers.


  1. That sounds very healthy. Sounds like your family know you very well.

  2. Theres a good app called mapmywalk that you may be interested in. You should also get a dog!

    1. I'll take a look at the app. But NO dog.

    2. I have a dog you can have-one careful owner- good at looking after chickens!

    3. I think I may have met him. There are a lot of chickens living over the back so he would be busy!

  3. Nice butterfly and moth! Seems your wine served as a good sugar bait

    1. Yes but I haven't seen him since.

    2. Sadly the moth has become an alcoholic and your house will become a gathering place for the down and out insect population -you have only yourself to blame.
      I am going to enjoy your blog!

    3. Fortunately the house is hermetically sealed so not too many will get in. Actually a lot of the house appears to be held up by sealant....
      Thanks for your comments.
