The Estuary

The Estuary

Sunday, 18 October 2015

That's why we moved.....

As we gradually unpack our boxes and get stuff sorted with the builders we are remembering why we decided to move here...
Natural garden features

Sunsets over the estuary

Shared sunsets over the estuary

Beautiful seascapes (photo by Paul)

A chance to go swimming in the sea whenever I feel like it

Waves to play in

Actually those waves were quite strong.
The only other people in the sea were three surfers.

We are getting to know the new neighbours.
Paul has been to the local bridge club.
We have had our first visitors (Joe and Soulla).
I have mastered the back route to Sainsburys avoiding most of the traffic.
We are beginning to feel at home.


  1. Onwards and upwards - are you going to take up surfing?

    1. Probably not.. I just like to splash about a bit.

  2. I can`t believe you went in the sea. I would be inclined to tell everyone that you designed that fern bank!!

  3. You could take up surfing?!
