The Estuary

The Estuary

Monday, 26 October 2015

Progress reoport

We have unpacked most of the boxes...

But still a few more to go.

Including us, there are four occupied Bovis houses in our cul de sac. Round the corner there is one occupied Barratts house, so only a few neighbours so far. Everyone is very friendly.

Definitely occupied.
All occupied. Snagging in progress at Number 11.

We have all provided 'snagging lists' for the builders and they are gradually getting through the jobs.

Builders shoes outside people's front doors means snagging in progress!

Paul has made a start on the garden. Mainly 'tidying' overgrown hedgerow trees. He has also been busy managing his plants in pots.

All plants have survived the move.

I have identified an area of garden that I will look after.

My corner

It includes a nice bit of 'Devon Bank' hedgerow, so I am looking forward to restoring that.

Once again we have enjoyed having weekend visitors, Sam and his friend James. It is nice showing people the local walk round the estuary and exploring new places to eat and drink. It is also nice to have some extra help with the heavy jobs in the garden!

Levelling a patch of garden by the shed.

 Snagging should be almost complete by the end of the week and with any luck turf in place the following week. Things are definitely progressing.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

That's why we moved.....

As we gradually unpack our boxes and get stuff sorted with the builders we are remembering why we decided to move here...
Natural garden features

Sunsets over the estuary

Shared sunsets over the estuary

Beautiful seascapes (photo by Paul)

A chance to go swimming in the sea whenever I feel like it

Waves to play in

Actually those waves were quite strong.
The only other people in the sea were three surfers.

We are getting to know the new neighbours.
Paul has been to the local bridge club.
We have had our first visitors (Joe and Soulla).
I have mastered the back route to Sainsburys avoiding most of the traffic.
We are beginning to feel at home.

Monday, 12 October 2015

We're here!!

We're here and I'm so tired I've hardly taken any photos. Hopefully I will be in a fit state to reflect on the move by next week, but meanwhile here are a few snapshots of the very beginning...

Here we go! Don't forget the bamboo.

Deity installed in the hedgerow.

First Devonshire cream tea of the new era.
(Only the remains as I ate it before I thought of taking a photo)

Lopping time.

This looks interesting...

Great we can buy Thai food in the local lay by on a Saturday night.
Dinner sorted!

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Its tomorrow!!

This is going to be a very short post as tomorrow we move!!!

As the day gets closer more and more last minute jobs are getting added to the list
(and carried over to the next day!)
We completed the purchase on Wednesday 30th September and camped in the house for one night.

This is the life.


It's all ours.

First dawn from our new house.

Looking forward to the rest of the week in Devon....