The Estuary

The Estuary

Monday, 18 May 2015

Getting to grips with retirement

My retirement cake complete with edible kokeshi made by Laura and Fran

Well my first post reflected my feelings after about a week of retirement. Now I am into week three and everything is under control...

I looked back on my list of hobbies and interests that I made in preparation for retirement and found I have lots to do.
Visiting (people and places)
Art and Craft (inc. macramé, sketching, papermaking)
Bridge (playing)
Eating out
I intend to post useful information about these hobbies and interests. I may also record the story of our experience of living on a large housing development in Devon as it grows from two or three houses to nearly three hundred!!!
So for a combination of visiting places, holidaying, eating out and checking up on progress of the housing development.......
We went on our first camping trip in our hippy flowers motor van. We stayed at Westermill Farm Campsite on Exmoor. Wonderful site - four fields next to the River Exe and just one or two other campers!
Campervan flowers from Hippy Motors - a retirement gift from Laura
 We also sat in the sunny garden of the Exmoor White Horse Inn at Exeford overlooking the river and had delicious lunch and dinner there.
View of River Exe from pub garden
We then visited the foundation slab of our new house.
Slab in place complete with radon protection membrane
This was what it looked like a year ago, so at last its beginning to take shape.

So that's the end of my first day of blogging - have to see how it goes - now need to get ready for my bridge lesson - so much to do!!




  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. It's early days but I will experiment with content and layout and try and make it interesting.

  2. you should visit my mum again this year!

    1. Definitely a good idea😊 and I will take my swimsuit.

  3. you should visit my mum again this year!

  4. Rollicking good read - and a real cliff hanger ending!
    Looks like you had a nice time camping.

    1. I hope to be developing my literary skills! I think I may be a bit too fond of exclamation marks??!! and other punctuation mark combinations........
      The campsite was lovely.

  5. I'm not convinced your house is going to be ready for June...

    1. Mmm....😐 actually the current prediction is September 😩 but I'm hoping August 🙏
